Getting the Best Price in a Quick House Sale

Just because you are considering a quick house sale does not automatically mean that you can settle for whatever the price set by the fast property buyers in UK. You have the opportunity to enjoy the highest possible price on your property even when it is still below its fair market value, as assessed by an independent appraiser.

Choose Your Buyer Well

Your first step is choosing the best quick property buyers that can provide the highest possible price.  This means doing your research regarding the most reliable buyer in the market today – A Quick Property Move, of course, is one of the most reputable fast property buyers in UK – and comparing their prices offered on your property.

Since you can request for free property quotes, you should have an easier time at it. Just be sure to get the quote in writing and to ask for an itemisation of the fees.

Get the Papers Ready

Many a quick property buyers will ask for the relevant documents related to the property so it pays to be ready with the papers. These can include any the title itself as well as the certificates for gas and electrical work, the guarantees for repairs, and the council tax bills, among others.

You will also be required by your solicitor to provide proof of identity and of address, which can include your passport and utility bills with your name on it. Keep in mind that the preparation is the key toward getting the best price for your property because then you will be ready to negotiate on the price.

For example, when you can show proof that the buyers can readily occupy the property since it is in your name (i.e., the property is legally yours), you can ask for a higher price since they will have no additional costs. When you can also show proof of repairs including their guarantees, your prospective buyers will likely be persuaded to give a higher price because their expenses for repairs will be lower.

Plus, getting the property papers in order will expedite the selling process. Your money will be in your hands sooner!

Stage Your Home

As a reliable quick property buyers, we will inspect the property for valuation purposes. You should then stage your home, so to speak, so that we will likely see the property in a more favorable light and, thus, set a higher price for it.

Your best bets in home staging for a quick sale include:

•    Adding curb appeal, such as cleaning the yard, repairing the fence sections, and even painting the door with a vivid color.

•    Fix the damaged parts of the house but be sure not to overspend either. Even simple and affordable cosmetic repairs and replacements can work to your advantage.

And don’t forget to haggle with us for the property price and fees, too!

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